Lifestyle Magazine

Lex’s NYFW Recap: February 2016

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture
Lex’s NYFW Recap: February 2016

Usually for New York Fashion Week, I do not get too many invitations for shows. Taking an entire day was unnecessary because I rarely had shows back to back. Leaving work for an extended lunch or coming in a few minutes late was all I needed to do.

I must have done something right because this season that was not the case. I received invites to over 30 shows, most of which fell during the work week. Doing my usual in and out of the office just would not have been possible. It would have been more disruptive than helpful. So, I made the decision to cash in my vacation days and fully indulge in New York Fashion Week (for four work days).

The decision to take off work was definitely the best decision I could have made. I feel like I was really able to enjoy the experience. During past seasons my mind was often clouded with the fact that I had to get back to the office, but this season I was able to be in the moment. I went to some of the best shows I have ever been to and made some of my greatest memories with a group I like to call the fashion crew. Overall, it was definitely an amazing season.

I would lying if I told you that this season didn't have a couple lows. On Day 1, I woke up with a stomach bug and was only able to make it to one presentation. Sparing you the sordid details, let's just say I would not wish that stomach bug on my worst enemy. I still felt woozy when I woke up on Day 2, but luckily it didn't keep me in bed all day.

Another thing that put a MAJOR damper on things was the weather. It started out pretty chilly then it turned frigid over the weekend (below freezing frigid). When it warmed up a bit, it started to snow. Was it the light dusting of snow the weatherman had predicted? No, it was a full blown ground covered low visibility snow. So that was fun.

Finally it warmed up a little more, but of course it was also pouring rain which made getting from show to show fabulous. February fashion week is not known for its warm weather. Snow is common and freezing cold days are the norm, but this season was a little more unbearable than usual.

When I look back on this past fashion week, will the only things that come to mind be a stomach bug or crappy weather? Definitely not. The highs certainly outweighed the lows, but I like to keep it real and share the less glamorous aspects of things! With that being said, here are a few highlights of my fashion week.

MDoll NYC x Avid Swim

My great friend Martha Luna of MDoll NYC collaborated with swimwear line Avid Swim for their Resort Fall/Winter 2016 collection! The entire collection was gorgeous with a wide variety of silhouettes to choose from. It made you want to head to a tropical locale as soon as possible just so you can wear one of the pieces. The colors flowed seamlessly, the hair and makeup was bold but not overpowering, and the location ( Prince George Gallery) was the perfect backdrop for the collection. It was a great way to kick of fashion week!

Concept Korea

Concept Korea is a showcase of two Korean Designers. One designer had a very high street vibe and the other was a little more couture. Both collections were great!

Bloglovin' x Ferragamo Fashion Week Party

I was so excited when I got the invite to this party and it certainly met my expectations! The party was for the launch of Ferragamo's new (amazing) fragrance Signorina Misteriosa. There were famous bloggers, live performances, aerial dancers, and an amazing DJ. I had a blast. The best part is that I had my sister as my plus one and everyone from the fashion crew was there.

PS- just in case you were wondering, the fashion crew is Martha Luna (MDoll NYC/ @mdollnyc), Ruben Farjardo ( Latino Show Magazine/@farjado_ruben), Sabrina Poon ( Stylophyle/@stylophyle), and Natasha Coutinho ( Style by NC/@stylebync_). They're all equally fab so you should give them a follow!

La Petite Robe di Chiara Boni

This collection was gorgeous. For me, details are what make the look. Clearly Chiara Boni and I think alike. Each piece had something eye catching about it. Whether it was the silhouette, the fabric, the color, the embellishment or all of the above- I was in love!

Dennis Basso

All of his pieces were fantastic, but outerwear was the real winner. His fur coats were a thing of art. If you are anti-fur then you may not have been a fan, but I personally was in heaven!

Carmen Marc Valvo

Carmen Marc Valvo was one of my favorites because his collection was the most wearable. With the exception of the gowns, every piece worn looked as though the model could walk right off the runway and onto the street. It was a chic update to your average work attire, but completely relatable at the same time.

Lex's Favorite Looks

This season I only bought a few key pieces that I mixed in with things that I already own. I didn't want my looks to be too contrived or forced. In the end, I was very happy with how they turned out!

So, that was my fashion week in a nutshell! Cannot wait until September ♥

Lex’s NYFW Recap: February 2016

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