Family Magazine

Letters to Littles: January 2012

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
Inspired by Sausagemama and Zoie at TouchstoneZ, I am writing a monthly letter to my children. If you would like to join in or read others' letters, check out the linky here.

Letters to Littles: January 2012
Dear Defne,
you are five years old! How time flies, I still cannot believe it.
You had two lovely birthday parties at home.One with your friends from school and the other one with family friends.
You had  a great time and now looking forward to your sixth birthday! In fact,you look forward to growing up. Everyday you ask when you will be in year 1 and when you will be in year 6 since you have made some great friends from older classes.
It looks like the age of 5 is challenging since you are trying to find yourself, trying to be more independent but it is also a lovely age as we enjoy experiencing lots of new things, like playing more board games, watching family movies, discovering fairy tales...
You love writing and you enjoy writing letters to us. You are very proud that you now know the days of the week. When it is a sunny day, you announce that it is Sunday!
This month, you started attending to a school club which you choose when the teacher handed out the club letters. You love origami so that was what you chose and we enjoy watching you learn new skills.
I am so proud of you.
Letters to Littles: January 2012
Dear Derin,
you are two years old now. I no longer have a baby in my arms,you definitely turned into a little boy.
As if some magic happened,you are a calmer boy now. Your speech is really coming along and that has helped with all the frustrations you were having.It is great fun to hear you speak. You speak both in English and in Turkish which is amazing since we only speak Turkish with you. I love how you say monkey, mouse and your favorite character Maisy!
Speaking of Maisy,you are obsessed with mouses! You just love them!
You are still very selective on what you wear! You needed new shoes so off we went to get your feet measured. First attempt was fruitless as you rejected it. Second time around, it was okay but you wouldn't try the shoes. I thought it was okay as I didn't like the shoes in the shop so we left. The third time around, we had your feet measured once again and this time I was determined to buy anything really. I was anxious that you wouldn't try the shoes again, but when the lady came back with three options you just had a look and literally jumped on the bright blue shoes with orange details on them. I really admire that you have your own taste even at this age!
You have just started to nursery two days a week. You are shedding some tears as it is the first time you are away from me, but you have so much fun. When I come back to pick you up,you look very well having enjoyed the session.
Your favorite song is still Incy Wincy Spider and your favorite fruit apple these days. Your favorite activity is doing somersaults on the bed just before bedtime!
I love you my big boy.

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