Sorry about all that. I have been working on my manuscript and suffering from menstrual cramps as well. Plus, having been snip-snipped and told to sit my scrotum down on a bag of frozen peas has not made me want to spend a lot of time in a computer chair until recently.
Having said that, I am back...I think. (Or at least I am back way more than I have been in the past couple of months.)
In the meantime, go buy this book:

My girlfriend laughed so hard and long I had to send her into another room, so I could concentrate on my own manuscript and so I didn't develop an inferiority complex to Jenny Lawson, the author.
Jenny Lawson reminds me of me. If I had a vagina. And if I grew up in rural Texas instead of rural North Carolina. And if I already had a book published. But other than that, we pretty much share the same DNA. Only not.
Anyway if you think the image of a little girl wearing a dead dear carcass for a sweater is both funny and a little disturbing, which makes it even funnier, then you will like this book.
Go. Buy it. Now.