
Lemon Meringue Pie Smoothie

Posted on the 11 January 2014 by Cakeyboi
Lemon Meringue Pie Smoothie
The carrot cake smoothie I made a couple of weeks ago went down a storm. You may remember it had all the taste of carrot cake, with none of the guilt.
Lemon Meringue Pie Smoothie
So, I thought I might try and rustle up another cake based smoothie and this time it’s a lemon meringue pie flavoured drink. Okay, there is no wispy meringue topping, but there is the delicious taste of vanilla and lemon, plus a slight biscuit crunch going on if you want to add that.
Lemon Meringue Pie Smoothie
The main liquid in the drink is coconut water, easily available in the UK – it’s very healthy, packed with electrolytes, high potassium levels and minerals. Also in the drink are bananas, stuffed with potassium too and of course lemons are in there. Lemons have numerous health benefits, too many to mention here.
Lemon Meringue Pie Smoothie
I added vanilla extract; agave syrup to sweeten it up a touch and that was basically it. If you want to you, can add some crushed biscuit on top. I used a crushed up Biscoff biscuit sprinkled on top. A whole biscuit is 38 calories, and seeing as I didn’t use the whole one, it’s not too bad is it? Tasting the biscuit pieces with the lemon gives you the true taste of the pie!
Ingredients:Juice of 2 lemons250 ml coconut water2 bananas1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 tablespoon agave syrup1 crushed Biscoff biscuit for garnish (optional)Adapted from Crunchy Living
Method:Place the lemon juice, coconut water, bananas, vanilla and agave into a blender and blitz until smooth. Pour into a couple of glasses filled with ice and sprinkle on some crushed biscuit.
Lemon Meringue Pie Smoothie
All the flavours of lemon, vanilla and biscuit works together to make you think you are actually drinking a slice of Lemon Meringue Pie.
Remember, you can have your cake and drink it too! Enjoy…

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