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Lego Oreo Truffles

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
To continue the run on the Lego Birthday Party, I am sharing the "How To" on the Lego Truffles.  If you missed it, you can check out the Party Reveal HERE  and the Lego Friends Chocolate Mold Tutorial HERE.   I know I said that I was gonna do the goody bag tutorial today, but I thought I would switch it up on you and keep things fresh ;-).  The kids were thrilled to have the Oreo truffles turned into Lego treats, so let's get started.     Lego Oreo Truffles   Lego Oreo Truffles       Ingredients     2 Bags Pink Candy Melt   Lollipop sticks   1 Pkg. Oreos     1 Block Cream Cheese    Pink and Black Candy Coloring (Below)    Wax Paper (Not shown)   Icing bag (Not shown)   Tip #2  (Not shown)    Lego Oreo Truffles        Steps to Make the Truffles   Lego Oreo Truffles Throw the pkg. of Oreos in your food processor.  If you don't have a food processor, just use a blender and put the Oreos in in small batches.     Lego Oreo Truffles       Pulverize until it becomes crumb like.   Lego Oreo Truffles     Add the cream cheese to the food processor and mix.     Lego Oreo Truffles I know this doesn't look very yummy, but it is!        Lego Oreo Truffles Have a cutie patutie help with this part, it will be way more fun!  Put the mixture on to a piece of waxed paper and form into a rectangle.       Lego Oreo Truffles  The rectangle is nearly formed and now needs a little prettyin' up.       Lego Oreo Truffles   Take a second piece of waxed paper put on top of the rectangle and flatten out the top with a rolling pin to make the top flat.     Lego Oreo Truffles Take a dough scraper or knife or whatever straightening tool you can grab and push inward against the sides to straighten the edges.     Lego Oreo Truffles Viola!   Now take the slab of Oreo yummy goodness and put it in the refrigerator or freezer until it is firmed up.  I put mine in the freezer for about 10 minutes or so.       While the Oreo truffles are firming up, let's get the chocolate melted.    Lego Oreo Truffles   Microwave them on defrost and check back every minute or so and stir them each time until it is completely smooth.      Lego Oreo Truffles Add enough pink candy coloring to get it to the hot pink that you are looking for.  I always add just a smidge of black to tone down the brightness of the pink.  Put the chocolate to the side and get your Oreo slab.     Lego Oreo Truffles Start in the center and cut even squares.      Lego Oreo Truffles  It should look like this when you are done.   I always think I have taken pictures of every step but I seem to always miss one.  Sooo... for the next step, take a lollipop stick, dip the end of it in the melted chocolate and place in a square of Oreo truffle.  Repeat for all the other squares.   At this point I put the tray in the fridge to stay cold and just take out about 10 at a time to dip in chocolate.  If I kept the whole tray out, they would be mushy and falling off the stick when I tried to dip them so this always helps me.       Lego Oreo Truffles  I just rotate the rectangle and dip each side until it touches the lollipop stick and then place on a clean sheet of waxed paper to harden.   Lego Oreo Truffles  Now that you have dipped rectangles, let's turn them into Legos.   I take an icing bag with a #2  tip on the end and fill it with chocolate.  Then I proceeded to make two rows of four dots on each brick.  When the dots have been sitting for a minute or two, I use my finger to push the peaks down to make the circles.     Lego Oreo Truffles  If you want to add a finishing touch, then you can add a little Lego Ribbon bow to each one with a dot of hot glue and call it done!  I found my Lego ribbon Here on Etsy.
 Come back tomorrow for the Goody Bag tutorial and all of the fun stuff we put in them!  
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For on-site design services {Virginia}, please email seasideinteriors01@gmail.com for pricing and availability. Seaside Interiors  

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