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Lego Friends Party Mood Board

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
Ok, so if you checked out the post from yesterday, I did a surfer girl room board for one particular little lady, my daughter.   And today that little lady is turning 9 years old.  As you know kids turn 9 well, in the blink of an eye. 
So now we have the birthday party plan.  This Saturday, Lacey is going to have a sleepover with 5 girls.  I'm sorry, I mean 5 GIRLS!!!  Am I crazy?  YES.  Did I say no more birthday sleepovers for a few years?  YES.  Am I a sucker?  Well...  YES.
The theme for the party is Lego Friends.  Most mood boards I do are for customers that want a inspirational design board for a room in their home, but I just kinda' thought, why not do it for the parties I create for my loved ones too.  I usually have all sorts of ideas rolling around when I plan a party, so this helped me see it as a whole.  It totally took the stress out of trying to remember what I had to complete for the party.  I don't know why I didn't think to do this sooner. 
Here is the Lego Friends Party Mood Board I created...
Lego Friends Party Mood Board Sources   http://www.etsy.com/listing/108891113/butterfly-name-banner-custom-made?ref=sr_gallery_20&ga_search_query=lego+friends&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all   http://pinterest.com/pin/125608277078819332/   http://sharedfromwayoverhere.blogspot.com/2012/04/lego-friends-party.html   http://pinterest.com/pin/47147127320930024/   http://pinterest.com/pin/47147127320929507/   http://www.etsy.com/listing/92879904/building-blocks-birthday-invitations?ref=sr_gallery_5&ga_search_query=lego+friends+invitation&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all
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Seaside Interiors

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