Legal Magazine

Legal Schnauzer Reaches Another Blogging Milestone By Passing 2 Million Page Views

Posted on the 25 February 2015 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler
Legal Schnauzer Reaches Another Blogging Milestone By Passing 2 Million Page Views
Our blog recently passed 2 million page views, and that makes us pretty proud of the attention we've brought to a critically important subject--the corruption that permeates our "justice" system.
The system is so broken that even a right-wing news organization like now recognizes it--roughly eight years after we started reporting on the issue.
According to the primary statistics service we use, our official page-view number is at almost 2.24 million, and our number of unique visitors is at almost 1.57 million.
I'm sure there are thousands of blogs with audiences that dwarf ours. Heck, some porn Web sites probably get that many page views in just a few days. But for a blog about a complex, unsexy topic, I would say our numbers are pretty good. This seems like a good time for a big thank you to the many readers who have made us a part of their regular reading habits.
I didn't start keeping track of our traffic for the first four to six months of the blog's existence, so our actual readership numbers are higher than those shown. A second stat service we use has our page views at almost 2.8 million, so maybe I should go with that one. I'm really not sure which is more accurate--but I'm thankful for the numbers, either way.
It's nice to be able to report that in spite of serious obstacles in the past year--including a stint in jail for, get this, practicing journalism--our readership continues to be on the rise. It took us roughly four years to reach one-million page views. The second million came in less than three years.
The blog is now almost 8 years old, and I didn't intend for it to last nearly this long. I thought it might be a side project for me to pursue for maybe six months to a year. Little did I know just how vast is corruption in U.S. courts, both at the state and federal level, in Alabama and beyond.
I like to think we have made a difference in the fight for justice on U.S. soil. We definitely have drawn attention to serious problems. It's pleasing to know that so many readers have joined us along the way.

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