Legal Magazine

Legal Schnauzer First Amendment Case Receives Major Media Coverage at Al Jazeera America

Posted on the 13 November 2013 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler
This is Carol, Roger's wife. The severe beating and unlawful arrest of investigative journalist, Roger Shuler, by four Shelby County sheriff deputies on Oct. 23 has received growing media attention in the past three weeks. Coverage has included print, web, radio and television media venues at the local, national and international levels. We will be highlighting some of the exposure on these media outlets in the coming days as this unprecedented Legal Schnauzer first amendment case continues to grow in importance and recognition.
One impressive major media venue, Al Jazeera America, picked up coverage of this story not long after the saga began and wrote of this travesty against our rights to free speech, freedom of the press and to due process on Oct 28.
Here is the link to the Al Jazeera America article:
Al Jazeera America: Alabama Journalist Beaten and Jailed
Legal Schnauzer First Amendment Case Receives Major Media Coverage at Al Jazeera America

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