Soup is one of the easiest and tastiest ways of eating a few more vegetables, and nature offers us just the vegetables our bodies need through the seasons. So, during winter, we can warm up with comforting carrot, squash and celeriac, while in the summer we can lighten things up with garden peas, tomato gazpachos and even lettuce soup.
We also love how soup is perfect for using up veg, and if you come across any 'ugly' veg that isn't quite perfect in the looks department, soup loves all vegetables. Perhaps you have an organic farm or farmer's market near you that struggles to sell its funny looking or slightly blemished fruit and vegetables - when it all goes in the pot it really doesn't matter. For this recipe, you can use any combination of root vegetables and winter greens you like. We had leek, potato, carrot, cabbage and chard to hand.

1. Chop an onion as fine as possible, followed by your root veg, for example a carrot and some celeriac. You might want to add a little chopped leek, too. Gently sweat all of these in olive oil in a large pan.
2. Shred some cabbage, perhaps some chard or cavelo nero. Saute this separately in a large frying pan or wok.
3. Add hot stock to the onions and root veg. We love to use a stock made with brown miso paste. Add the leafy veg to the pot.
4. Meanwhile, soft boil an egg for each person (6 minutes from boiling water), run under the cold tap, peel and slice in halves.
5. Ladle into deep bowls and add the egg halves to each.