As I write this I am on a plane, heading for Denver to meet up with Hank for the last show of the tour at Red Rocks. He’s been gone for 3 ½ weeks and I am SO glad to finally see him again!

I recently wrote about Hank, and why I love, admire, and respect him.
It was bittersweet leaving the little guys. But they are with some of our most precious friends, so I am traveling easy knowing they are going to be well loved and taken care of while I’m gone.

Henry kept asking me not to leave this morning, but then decided that if he drew me a picture of himself, it would help for me to not miss him so much.

I love this little drawing.
It was completely his idea, and it actually helped him cope with me leaving. Even though I have tons of pictures of my children on my phone, I probably will look at this one more than any of the others. He’s been drawing a lot lately.

It’s my first time away from Miles overnight, but he’s an independent little guy, so I know he will be fine. He has really missed his Daddy, and carries aroung a picture of him, kissing it so much that it is in tatters.

Oh, and while I’m all emotional anyway, might as well mention that Baby Girl is 26 weeks today…so excited to meet her.
Did I mention that I GET TO SEE MY HUSBAND TOMORROW??? So excited…hope I can sleep!
live well. be well.