Family Magazine

Leaving on a Jet Plane…

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

As I write this I am on a plane, heading for Denver to meet up with Hank for the last show of the tour at Red Rocks.  He’s been gone for 3 ½ weeks and I am SO glad to finally see him again!


I recently wrote about Hank, and why I love, admire, and respect him.

It was bittersweet leaving the little guys. But they are with some of our most precious friends, so I am traveling easy knowing they are going to be well loved and taken care of while I’m gone.

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Henry kept asking me not to leave this morning, but then decided that if he drew me a picture of himself, it would help for me to not miss him so much.

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I love this little drawing.

It was completely his idea, and it actually helped him cope with me leaving.  Even though I have tons of pictures of my children on my phone, I probably will look at this one more than any of the others.  He’s been drawing a lot lately.

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It’s my first time away from Miles overnight, but he’s an independent little guy, so I know he will be fine.  He has really missed his Daddy, and carries aroung a picture of him, kissing it so much that it is in tatters.

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Oh, and while I’m all emotional anyway, might as well mention that Baby Girl is 26 weeks today…so excited to meet her.

Did I mention that I GET TO SEE MY HUSBAND TOMORROW???  So excited…hope I can sleep!

live well. be well.

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