Current Magazine

Leave Those Vapes Alone

Posted on the 13 August 2014 by Flip
volcano e cigs

Hey Governments leave those vapes alone!!!

Honestly I’m getting sick and tired of the persistent nannying and tax grabbing from this Government – not only are they planning on banning vaping in public places (Wales first) – but huge companies such as the BBC are making those that choose to vape do so with the smokers!!!

Now call me stupid (many do) but are we also going to ban kettles in the work place..?

I mean let’s face it the vapour from vaping is pretty much akin to the steam created by boiling a kettle – so how about banning hot coffees on the streets huh? I mean surely getting splashed by a moccachino or whatever they call them is pretty bad..?

Look I have been a heavy smoker for over 40 years (53 soon so started young). I tried many times to give up and lasted 2 or 3 months at best…

After my partner tried an e-cig I did too – and now 6 months later not one real cigarette has touched my lips!!! Now that surely should be a positive from a Government that warns on a daily basis the benefits of packing up the evil weed..?

But no – they can see a money making opportunity and plan to tax the hell out of all forms of e-cig so pushing the price nearer to fags which I guess will leave people thinking sod it stick to smoking…

Volcano E-Cigs My Choice

If e-cigs can work for me – they will for you – so get in quick before the prices sky rocket and trust me by switching you will be adding years to your life.

As an asthmatic I haven’t used my inhaler for months and have increased my lung performance by 300% in the six months I’ve started vaping – now that has to be as good a reason as any to give it a try…

And hey instead of the £60 or £70 I was paying for my tobacco – after my initial outlay on a Volcano E-Cig – I now spend around £6 per week on juices and maybe £20 every 3 months on replacement parts!!!

I get a great hit at the back of my throat – the only thing I’m taking in is medical nicotine and the e-juices come in fantastic flavours – yeah even tobacco!!!

Think of the cash you’ll save and the health benefits and switch to vaping NOW!!!

Sales and health pitch over lol – click the links or pretty banner to find out more…

volcano ecigs uk best vaping

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