I've been so busy all week juggling going out and uni work, grr. Since I interned at Company Magazine i've been writing a few things up for them to feature in the mag and also online. In his month's issue I did a quick DIY tutorial part of their 12 days of Christmas feature of which I customised a blazer into a military piece for '12 drummer's drumming'. This is the most recent post i've done which will be coming out in the February issue.
With all things nineties back in (never thought I would say it but i'm loving) I decided to show you how easy it is to make a hair scrunchie out of any old scrap material! Yes hair scrunchies are cool! Also it's very cheap to make which is always handy!
All you need is:- some material of any king- scissors- needle and thread- ruler - elastic
Measure 40cm x 10cm of fabric. I chose a faux brown leather material I got from the market.
Fold the material in half
Sew across joining the two sides together. I actually did this in quite a rush so my sewing could be a lot neater, but it doesn't matter as you won't be able to see it.
Once sewn all the way down turn the material inside out carefully.
Cut a piece of elastic around 15cm - a lot shorter than the material as you will need it to stretch out over your hair. Thread the elastic through the leather.
Tie a knot in the elastic at the ends. Tuck the two ends of leather into each other and put a couple of stitches to sew the two pieces together.
You can do it with any material, here's a glitter one I did too which is kinda cool for Christmas!
Very easy, cheap and quick to do!
Show me photos if you make one :))