Fashion Magazine

Least We Forget

By Boo_brown

Least we forget
Least we forget
Least we forget
Least we forget
Least we forget
Least we forget Dress - Simply Be  Shoes - Primark
I probably should have posted this yesterday as it was more fitting but it still works today. Yesterday was the 100 year anniversary of the start of world war one. Between 10-11pm we had a lights out, where you turned off all your lights and left a candle on to commemorate all those who died, insta feed was full and it was nice knowing so many people, across so many ages were taking part. It was a time to sit and reflect on how lucky we are, to cherish the people around us and be thankful that people put their lives on the line for our freedom, and many paid the ultimate price, which we will be eternally thankful for. 

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