Food & Drink Magazine

Learnt Chocolate Buttons + Sugar = Dessert Soil at Chefhire Atelier

By Foodie Cravings @foodiecravings
Learnt chocolate buttons + sugar = dessert soil at Chefhire Atelier

This Perth cooking class run by Executive Chef and Chefhire Atelier owner Bradley Backhouse and Chef Hans is for anyone looking to improve their skills in the kitchen. With a host of cooking shows on TV these days, it’s an eye opener to watch some of the techniques used by professional chefs in the kitchen. Given the chance to learn some of the creative methods that I’ve seen on these programs, I was excited to learn the tricks of the trade at Chefhire Atelier.

Continue reading Learnt chocolate buttons + sugar = dessert soil at Chefhire Atelier at foodie cravings, a Perth food blog.

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