Having my child rearing days behind meand not having a crystal clear vision of mynext chaptermy new personal motto is
Say Yes To Life.
I don't always even have a clear vision of what this meansonlynow when my first impulse is to say no to something because it seems it might be uncomfortable for meI take a deep breath, refocusand say Yes to life.
In the month since I have been doing thisI have
been to a Korean spa(where clothes were not de rigour … and I ended up actually shocked how liberatingnudity can be … when everyone is naked … is anybody?).
I have attended fabulous dinner partiesevents at country clubsreconnected with old friendsand now I have been to Cancun.

There is a quote floating around everywhere it seems that
"Your Life begins Where Your Comfort Zone Ends"I actually find this quotequite annoying.Because you see I do enjoy being comfortable.
But I also know the truth in these wordsespecially as I am journeying to my next chapter.
I know as my heart aches for a time that was in raising childrenit is now my responsibilityto find ways to fill my heartwith my what's nextand to do thatI must navigate the uncomfortable for meand
Say Yes To Life.

I wonder how many times in life we truly allow good to come into our lives.Maybe it's just me.
But sometimes good fortune makes me really uncomfortablelike if I accept itthe balance of life will take something I love away.
But I have realizedthis balance is just perceptionand to change the life I have for the bettermeans I have to be open to changehave courage for the newandSay Yes To Life.
When a dear friendtexted me out of the blueif I wanted to go to Cancun with her the next weekbecause her husband couldn't make the tripmy first internal response wasof course not.
Then I stoppedand asked myself why not.
I had absolutely no obligations with childrenfor the first time in over twenty two years.
My husband was all on board andexcited for this fabulous opportunitythat had come my way.
My work in my studio was all up to date.
There was no reason to say no.
So I accepted this generous offer.
Not only was it a great opportunitybutI would be traveling with one of my friendswho I have always said
has the most beautiful zest for life.Kris and I crossed paths years agoin our passion for our familyandsoon after our homeschooling journeys began.
But when it comes to some thingswe are an odd couplingI plan for ageswhile Kris just gets out and goes.
Even traveling we are an opposite pairat the airport she will chat everyone upwhile I am anxiouslychecking again to see if I put my passport back in it's rightful place.

Traveling with Kriswas the perfect thing to dofor me right now.
It was kismetthe perfect way for me to
Say Yes To Lifein an impromptu wayI had never allowed myself before.

Even before the offer of the tripI had told myself many times I wanted to be more like Kris.
To go and live lifewith zest and passion.
Her passion for her familyand lifeknows no bounds.

She will say yesto so very much in life
especially when it comes to anything travel related.

This is my favorite capture of Krisout therein the mix of life.

By saying Yesand taking a chance in the uncomfortable for me ...

I was so richly rewarded …

with beautyand the realizationthere is ever so much life out therestill to be lived!

I was reminded that new deepening friendshipsare ever so importantat this time in lifeas my beautiful childrenmove on with their own livesand I and my husband with ours.
To everything there is truly a seasonand I'm pretty excited with this new oneand the magic in life yet to be found!

Even simple discoverieslike tiny restaurants off the beaten pathwith the most stylish presentations.I am on a hunt to find thesenever seen by mecarafe chillers.

My spirit and soulhave been renewedby the sheer beauty in the world I found.

Time spent with a good friendreminds me of all the good still to beholdin the coming seasons of life.

My heart is full of gratitudefor the beauty I got to seeandthe time shared with an inspirational friend.

Sometimes when you
Say Yes To Life
you end up in just the very placeyour soul needed to be that day.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life