Fashion Magazine

Lazy Or Active?

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
You know what I cannot decide? - That whether am I lazy or active? I procrastinate things till the last moment. My taxes are begging me to get to them for the last couple of weeks but I keep moving the paperwork from one corner of my house to another, thinking this 'spot' will keep them right in front of eyes and make me get to them this weekend (fo-sho!). But what do I do when I get to that moment over the weekend? I shove them to the bottom of the pile because can't seem to give myself an excuse to not do them. Same goes for laundry. I keep postponing it till I have no clean underwear and socks left to wear (I might be a procrastinator, but definitely not unhygienic). I also have the same attitude towards replying to emails (in my defense I receive one too many of them!).
... but on the other hand I am fully capable of waking up at 4:00 am and head to the gym ... cook all my ten meals for the week over the weekend ... head from one meeting/appointment to another and be on the move all day ... stick to my blog-calendar and dish out posts throughout the week (on four different blogs) ... have a full time job and still pursue my dreams and nurture my hobbies ...
What does it make me? Lazy or active? What do you think? 
P.S. Thank you everyone who has answered the survey. I love all the appreciation as well as the constructive criticism. And if you haven't filled it yet, I would like to hear from you too!
Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Scarf Print Sweater, Banana Republic Skirt, Aldo Pumps, Crazy & Co. Earrings, Sweater - Borrowed from Mom // Other Options Skirt - Banana Republic  // Similar Shoes - Aldo // Similar Tights - Similar Earrings - Same 
Pendant - From a local artist in Albuquerque  Ring - Crazy & Co. // Sold out Lazy or Active?

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