This song has really ministered to me. I've been carrying concerns in my heart and worrying. In the midst of it all, I know I'm not to worry. So I'll put it at the altar, but the next thing you know........I've picked it up again..... This song helps me to remember "don't pick it back up, just lay it down and give it to God." You see God is capable of handling it. He is capable of turning things around. We are just to Stand still and trust God. I pray and hope that this song will bless you and whatever load you may be carrying: worrying about bills; feeling single and alone; or you have a trouble marriage. Take this load and make a decision to lay it at the altar before God and leave it there knowing that God Almighty will work it out. So in the words of the song of the month:
All of your burdens,
All of your cares,
lay it down, oh, lay it down