Debate Magazine

Lawsuit Demands US Remove ‘In God We Trust’ from Money

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

I can’t imagine going through life as a professional victim.

Michael Newdow

Michael Newdow

Michael Newdow is infamous for suing for all the butthurt in his life. He’s unsuccessfully sued against the inclusion of the words “under God” in public schools’ recitals of the Pledge of Allegiance. Since 2005 he’s been suing to have the words “In God We Trust” removed from US currency. He’s now filed another lawsuit and this time it’s personal.

Fox News reports that Newdow filed the lawsuit Monday in Akron, Ohio. Throughout much of his lawsuit, the word appears as “G-d.”

Newdow claims “In God We Trust” violates the separation of church and state. One plaintiff says his Atheism is “substantially burdened because he is forced to bear on his person a religious statement that causes him to sense his government legitimizing, promoting and reinforcing negative and injurious attitudes not only against Atheists in general, but against him personally.”

The lawsuit represents 41 plaintiffs from Ohio and Michigan, including many unnamed parents and children who are atheists or are being raised as atheists. Defendants include Congress, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and various federal agencies.

Methinks he’ll be unsuccessful again.


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