Lifestyle Magazine

Lawrence 2013 Trip

By Jadato @jadatonet
Hi readers,
Well sorry for the long hiatus but the holidays took it out of me. I went to Lawrence, KS recently to spend some time with my friends and pretend I was 21 again. We had fun bbq'ing at my friend's house in Lawrence, walked to a park, and then headed to their local watering hole. It was fun being with everyone and just being able to walk back home after having a few pints. (That and a purple drink that tasted like Dimetapp). I plan on doing my first thrift store run soon this weekend and should have some posts about my finds soon. My new years resolution for 2014 is to post more stories soon. I hope my readers had a nice holiday and were able to relax. 
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 TripLawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip
Lawrence 2013 Trip

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