I discovered Koko Beauty Spa in 2009 when my boyfriend moved to France and it’s safe to say that I spent more time there than in my own flat. Replacing cuddles and romantic dinners with massages and facials may not be the conventional way to deal with missing someone, but it works. I found Kimberly on the internet and remember thinking whether it was wise to go to somebody’s house you have never met for a massage but I’m glad I did. So, if you are wondering why I’m skint this month or why I’m always busy on Friday nights, here is your answer. I’m absolutely 100% obsessed with Koko Beauty Spa.
Here are just a few of the delightful treatments that you must try:
- The Indian Head Massage-For those who like their hair playing with.
- The Zen Tan Spray Tan-Warning! These are addictive but cheaper than going abroad to get a real tan.
- Shellac nails and toes-Chip free polish for up to 3 weeks.
- The Chocolate Facial-Enough said.
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage-Circulation boosting and cellulite busting, your skin will never look better.
There are hundreds of treatments that I have yet to try. These are my go to treatments when I fancy a bit of a pamper session and I’m yet to find something that Kimberly isn’t amazing at. Eyelashes, detox treatments, eyebrows and waxing, I have yet to find a flaw.
Did I mention that Koko Beauty has recently been relocated to a shiny new salon? It has and it is complete with fluffy robes and warm snuggly treatment rooms.