In the latest poll from Wetpaint Entertainment, Eric Northman is up against Klaus from The Vampire Diaries in their poll to determine “Which vampire makes the hotter ancient vampire?”
We know who WE think should win…Eric Northman!

Photo Credit: Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW © 2011 The CW Network; John P. Johnson/HBO ©2012 Home Box Office
This is what they said over at Wetpaint about this poll;
Let’s run through some quick similarities. Both are towering, blonde gentlemen of foreign descent (Viking stock, to be exact). Klaus was one of the first vampires to ever be created, while Eric is generally one of the older vampires in the True Blood universe. As menacing as they both seem at first, Klaus and Eric turn into big softies when around certain women in their lives; Klaus pines for novice vampire Caroline (Candice Accola), while Eric is in love with telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin)
True, they were both Vikings, are both vampires, and show a gentler, kinder side to their lady loves, but that’s where the similarities end, IMO. I know we’re up against the TVD fandom, but don’t lose hope. Not as many in their fandom love Klaus as much as you-know-who (he shall remain nameless).
Go ahead and vote! We would love to see the TRUE Viking vampire win!
Cast your vote for Eric Northman – THE hottest ancient vampire here!
Remember…listen to Eric!
Thanks Eric & Sookie Lovers!