This Siberian Husky has got a new attitude with his new doggie hair extension | photo: Poochie Plumes
Dogs today have the benefit of a better life than their ancestors did decades ago. With owners going all out by taking their pooches to the dog spa, checking them in to dog hotels, or dropping them off at doggie daycare, but what is the latest buzz that is taking the UK by storm? The Pet World has yet encountered another craze that has surfaced: hair extensions for DOGS!

A new look in the Pet World: doggie fur extensions! | photo: Poochie Plumes
If you've though you've seen it all, the latest craze has arrived! Doggie fur extensions are the latest fashion trend that dog owners are putting on their dogs. For about £16.50 ($16 USD) your pooch can now been seen in the latest assortment of colorful feathers in various patterns and sizes that will accentuate his or her personality!

Ready for a night out on the town? | photo: Poochie Plumes
The site even features an installation tutorial with photographs on how to install the plumes, but a minimum of 2 cm (.78 in) length is what your dog's fur must be in order for the installation to work. According to their website, owner Bella Campbell of Poochie Plumes, the London-based company that sells the extensions says “This is a new unique way to add something a little different to accessorise your furry friend.” The plumes can be left on for four to six weeks without fade. Isn't this better than a dye job for us humans?

Canine extensions will set you back £16.50 ($16 USD) | Poochie Plumes