Life has been interesting lately. My property management job has been stressful, but life otherwise, has been routine in the best way possible. I've been going for walks every day, which, if you've been following the blog for a while, you know is quite an improvement. My feet have been doing fantastically, and I'm so blessed to be able to take advantage of the beautiful, foggy weather we've been having. I even found a tree full of figs, just up the road from my apartment! Over the past year, I've been squirreling away any champagne corks I find. My life is not full of champagne obviously as I've only been able to collect 3 corks. Not that I have any huge dinner parties planned, but these make pretty adorable place-card holders. Resvology sent me their Age Corrective Eye Cream to try out and, as always, I was a little nervous I would see no results and have nothing to write about. My skepticism was pleasantly pushed aside after a couple weeks of use. This stuff actually works! I've noticed a huge improvement in my dark circles and puffiness. It even worked when I was laid up with a bad head cold. I didn't even look sick! Science, man. Check out their Facebook page for sweet deals. My crafty side has been insatiable. I've been making calendar sets to sell on Etsy and, yesterday, I got out my waxed snowflake materials. Every year, it's my favorite busy work. By now, I've probably made hundreds. I might try selling them in sets on Etsy or stringing them for garlands. I made one for my mom a few years ago, and despite its delicacy, it's held up! Here are directions on how to make your own waxed snowflakes. What have you been up to lately?♠