Current Magazine

Late Night TV: The Real War on Women

Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

Jimmy FallonYesterday, Jay Leno revealed that he had come to an agreement with NBC executives to cede the hosting duties of “The Tonight Show” to Jimmy Fallon.  Even though Leno leads his rivals in overall ratings and the coveted 18-34 viewing demographic executives decided it was time for a change.  As many of you know this isn’t the first time Leno was supposed to retire from the show.  Conan O’Brien can tell you that story better than I ever could.  The move is most likely in response to Jimmy Kimmel’s move to the 11:35pm ET time slot on the ABC network.  Apparently NBC executives do not want to give Kimmel time to mature in his role with the younger demographic.  Don’t feel sorry for Leno.  He is getting $15 million as compensation for voiding his contract.

While we can argue all day who is the better host and who will be the most successful I’m let pondering one important question: “Where are all the female late night talk show hosts?”  The only female late night talk show host is Chelsea Handler.  Handler is host to E! Network’s “Chelsea Lately.”  Yet, we have Leno, David Letterman, Craig Ferguson, Fallon, Kimmel, O’Brien, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher.  I’m probably missing someone from my list.  Now that I think about it Kathy Griffin has a show.  Even with her addition, it is still severely lop-sided.

I certainly don’t think there should be a female host, just for the sake of equality.  The best candidate should always get the job.  Yet, I never hear speculation that a female comedian is in the talks for any late night gig.  Why is that?  I’m I really to believe there aren’t any funny women? I don’t believe that one bit.

I find it interesting how feminists were outraged at Mitt Romney this past election on “his war on women,” yet I don’t hear any outrage to the “war on women” in Hollywood.  Older female actresses have more trouble finding parts than their male counterparts.  I’m I to believe that in these movie societies there aren’t any older women?

I regularly watch “Chelsea Lately.”  I think Chelsea Handler would be a great candidate.  Why isn’t she in the running for the “The Tonight Show?”  Her show is filmed right next door to Leno’s show.  So don’t tell me the NBC executives want to “keep it in the family.”  So far I have heard that Jon Stewart and Seth Myers are the leading candidates to replace Fallon.

Do you think there is a “war on women” in Hollywood? In particular, late night TV?


Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate

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