Diaries Magazine

Last-minute Praha

By Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
Bonjour from Prague! Soon after meeting, Lara and I bonded over the fact that we'd both never been but would love to go soon. So, a few weeks ago, when she emailed out of the blue to say she'd found a great deal on weekend getaway flights, I jumped at the chance... fully knowing that it'd be absolutely freezing and most likely snowing. Just the trick to get me into the holiday spirit in the midst of final season, right? last-minute praha I'll have to get back to you on that. In the mean time, I've got the "best" Christmas market to visit, the latest boutique scene to get acquainted with, and a whole lot of locally-brewed beer to drink. No better way to blow steam from the stressful end to my first semester of grad school :) see you on Tuesday!
Photo courtesy of my weekend getaway to London

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