The weather right before Christmas had been really wet. The rain came around evening time and poured crazily. Hence, the plants in the porch fared better than those in the open.
Snails also came to the porch! I even found one on the wall. Good thing it wasn't that big... just a small one. I quickly grabbed and threw it into the drain. I am actually afraid of touching the huge ones. They look monsterous to me, yucks!
Look at this little monster -- It chomped up my Sabah Snake Grass!
Snapped the pic below early one morning. The leaves of these little shrubs were shinny and stiff. Happy little plants :-)
Baked a fruit cake for Christmas. It's a really expensive cake to make, hence only able to do this once a year. Anyway, I shared them all (limited pieces though!) with my friends :-)
Hope you have had a joyous countdown with your family and friends!
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