Last Bullet, Uforia and Break the Trend at Brampton's Rose Theatre

SounDrive Records Presents: Drivewire
On Saturday night, after weeks of anticipation, we got to see Last Bullet, Uforia and Break the Trend take the stage at Brampton's Rose Theatre for the final installment of Drivewire 2017.
It was an interesting atmosphere for a rock show. I would say they took the "All Ages" thing very literally. There were babes in strollers, kids breakdancing, white-haired men and women dancing and yes, headbanging. It was pretty cool. A good portion of the audience, at least early on in the evening, were family and friends of the bands and there is no support quite like family.
In case you were wondering, I can tell you that Brampton rocks and SounDrive Records will be back next year with three events instead of two!
If you missed this show, you can see Last Bullet on January 27th at The Horseshoe Tavern with one of our favourites, Crown Lands. Get your tickets here.
Related: 2017 SoundDrive CoveragePhotos of Last Bullet

Photos of Uforia

Photos of Break the Trend

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