The Good
- From Think Progress: Good Morning America Host Comes Out On Facebook
- From Trehugger: The history of the Etch-A-Sketch as told on an Etch-A-Sketch
- From The Mail Online: A divine sense of style: Pope Francis is named Esquire’s Best Dressed Man of 2013
The Bad
- From Deutsche- Welle: Former Formula One champion Michael Schumacher ‘critical’ after ski accident
- From the Christian Science Monitor: Global retirement crisis: What it means from Tokyo to Paris
- From LifeWise: Millions Estimated To Have Been Contaminated With SV40 Virus Through Polio Vaccine
The Ugly
- From Think Progress: One Year After Horrific New Delhi Gang Rape, India Still Struggles With Rape Culture
- From ABC News: Russia Bombing Kills 15 Ahead of Olympics