Gardening Magazine


By Dyarnell @dyarnell
Upon our arrival at the Ontario cottage a few weeks back we found a portion of the Lakefront Garden - the portion with the greatest variety of plants including Hardy Geranium, Ox-eye Daisies, Iris, Sundrops and of course the garden-defining Daylilies - had been severely cut back on either side of the steps leading down into the water.
An honest mistake by someone trimming the lawn, but still a disappointment.
LAKEFRONT GARDEN - what happened?This is how it looked this year: B-A-R-ELAKEFRONT GARDEN - what happened?Compared to how it looked at the same time last year.
Most are tough plants and are already coming back but will not be blooming this year.
LAKEFRONT GARDEN - what happened?This is how the rest of the Lakefront Garden currently looks, a mix of (mostly Kwanso) daylilies, Yellow Loosestrife and Sundrops.
I quickly set about remedying the situation by taking the rest of the Sundrops I started to remove from the Lily Garden last year where they were not getting enough sun. They were past blooming but at least they filled in the empty space somewhat. I also added in some Fuscia; though annuals are not normally my cup of tea they are hard to beat when you require immediate color.
LAKEFRONT GARDEN - what happened?Friends bought me these "Autumn Colours" Rudbeckia which I just love.  I truly hope they take and become a permanent part of the Lakefront Garden where they were a welcome and timely addition. 
Have you ever found an unexpected and drastic change to your own gardens?What did you do?
***Sharing with Garden Tuesday, Our World Tuesday & Tuesday Garden Party

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