Food & Drink Magazine
没有熊本熊的奇曲模吗? 没关系哟,因为我也没有。就让我们一起轻轻松松即兴地做出可爱的熊本熊吧!自己DIY的更有满足感呢 =)
Kumamon Cookies
(cookie recipe adapted & modify slightly from here)
sesame flavor
50g black sesame paste
50g Cowhead salted butter, soften
40g fine sugar
100g Blue Jacket Plain Flour
25g corn flour
1 Tbsp rum
Original flavour50g Cowhead salted butter, soften
20g fine sugar
50g Blue Jacket Plain Flour
12g corn flour
*red colouring
1. sesame flovour: In a mixing bowl, beat together sesame paste, sugar & butter till light.
2. Sift in the flours & knead lightly to form a dough. Set aside in fridge for later use. Repeat for original flavor. Remove some dough from original flavor & add in red colouring.
3. Roll out sesame dough & use any bear cookie cutter that you have on hand to cut out the shapes. Pinch some original & red colouring dough for the bear's eyes, ears, snout & cheeks. Finally pinch some black sesame dough for the bear's eyes, nose & mouth. Chill in fridge for 20mins.
4. Bake in a preheated oven @ 160C for 18mins.
熊本熊是不是很容易做呢?还似模似样, 蛮可爱的吧? 最近熊本县遭受地震的袭击,让我们为它打气! 熊本頑張れ、熊本加油!!!
Kumamon Cookies
(cookie recipe adapted & modify slightly from here)
sesame flavor
50g black sesame paste
50g Cowhead salted butter, soften
40g fine sugar
100g Blue Jacket Plain Flour
25g corn flour
1 Tbsp rum
Original flavour50g Cowhead salted butter, soften
20g fine sugar
50g Blue Jacket Plain Flour
12g corn flour
*red colouring
1. sesame flovour: In a mixing bowl, beat together sesame paste, sugar & butter till light.
2. Sift in the flours & knead lightly to form a dough. Set aside in fridge for later use. Repeat for original flavor. Remove some dough from original flavor & add in red colouring.
3. Roll out sesame dough & use any bear cookie cutter that you have on hand to cut out the shapes. Pinch some original & red colouring dough for the bear's eyes, ears, snout & cheeks. Finally pinch some black sesame dough for the bear's eyes, nose & mouth. Chill in fridge for 20mins.
4. Bake in a preheated oven @ 160C for 18mins.
熊本熊是不是很容易做呢?还似模似样, 蛮可爱的吧? 最近熊本县遭受地震的袭击,让我们为它打气! 熊本頑張れ、熊本加油!!!