This is the weekend edition of TheMarioBlog and will be updated as needed. The next blog post will be Monday, July 16
TAKEAWAY: A few days after launching a new app, the digital team at Austria’s Kronen Zeitung is highlighting a summer beachvolleyball event by creating an app that offers all of the event’s details.
Those guys at Austria’s Kronen Zeitung have just launched their new, curated tablet edition, Kronen HD, about 10 days ago, but already they are having fun exploring the potential of the tablet and how it can be utilized for special features.
In this case, it’s the “Beachkrone HD 2012” and it offers all the necessary information about the Beachvolleyball Grand Slam in Klagenfurt/Corinthia.
“We thought it would be very useful to offer our readers all the necessary information about this popular event,” says Michael Eder, who together with Patrick Warger, created and designed the app.
The design offers a bright color palette to present content that includes timetable, sport and party activities, information about national and international teams, quiz and social media connections.
In addition, users will see events highights, fast motion of the construction process presented through a variety of videos and photo galleries.
Of special interest
Interview: Wall Street Journal digital chief Raju Narisetti on innovation, mistakes and opportunities
Highlight quote from Nariseetti:
“,,,, audiences increasingly have much more opportunity to be promiscuous than ever before. In the print world you had a bit of a lock on them in terms of falling into someone’s doorway. But online with the flick of a finger they can go elsewhere.Our business model has to be nimble and really fast to deal with that otherwise you’ll always fall behind. As in industry we’ve not been particularly good matching technology with audience needs.“
“Harold still prefers falling asleep to traditional print media.“ - New Yorker Cartoon
Twist: a simple, user-friendly app that gives your friends your travel ETA