Food & Drink Magazine

Kiwi Fruit Juice Recipe | How to Make Kiwi Fruit Juice

By Ranjani Raj @ranjaniskitchen

Kiwi fruit juice recipe - greeny, fresh-looking kiwi juice is the most favorite of many. We can make this fruit juice recipe by mixing with celery and apple too. I never tried that. If I tried in future, I post and write how it tastes. Kiwi fruit has a tangy taste. If you love that you can drink this without adding any sweetener.

Kiwi's native is north-central & eastern-China. Kiwi also named as Chinese gooseberry. New Zealand grow this fruit in large numbers. We can get this fruit in a market available on all seasons. you can read more about kiwi fruit . Kiwi fruit has many health benefits and it cures some health problems.

Kiwi fruit juice recipe | How to make kiwi fruit juice

kiwi fruit health benefits:

  • This fruit is fiber-rich and it's good for digestion.
  • Vitamin C in this fruit helps to treat asthma. Regular use of this fruit helps proper lung function and reduce wheezing.
  • Kiwi's boost our immune system and reduces blood pressure.
  • Regular consumption of 2 to 3 kiwi's per day reduces blood clotting.
  • Zeaxanthin & Lutein in kiwi is good for eyes and protects you from vision loss.
  • This fruit is good at treating constipation, and dengue.

kiwi fruit during pregnancy:

  • Folic acid in kiwi helps the healthy development of a foetus during early pregnancy. Because,Women needs 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid at this stage.Most importantly it will avoid miscarriage.
  • Folate present in this fruit avoid neural defects for babies and helps cognitive and brain development.
  • Mommies who are so keen on your baby's health must take kiwi regularly. It takes care of baby's vital organ development.
  • It helps to treat post-pregnancy stretch marks as well.
Kiwi fruit juice recipe | How to make kiwi fruit juice

Skin benefits of kiwi juice:

  • A good amount of antioxidants in this fruit delays aging and gives wrinkle-free skin.
  • This kiwi fruit juice recipe detoxifies the entire system. If your system is clean and clear within, your skin looks vibrant and complexion.
  • It treats cuts and wounds in the skin. Presence of potassium in this fruit helps repair tissues and quickens the healing process.

How to make kiwi fruit juice recipe:

  1. Cut the kiwi fruit in two halves and scoop the inner flesh using a spoon or peel the skin and cut into small cubes
  2. In a juicer blender, add chopped or scooped kiwi, ice cubes, water and give one or two pulse in a juicer.
  3. Do not grind for a long time. The seeds must remain as it is. If you grind the seeds as well, the taste will differ.
  4. Add sugar or honey for your taste.
  5. Serve in glasses.
Kiwi fruit juice recipe | How to make kiwi fruit juice

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