Title: Kindling Flames: Flying SparksSeries: The Ancient Fire Series Book One, Part 2Author: Julie WetzelPublished: October 3, 2014Publisher: Crimson Tree PublishingPage Count: 260Genre:Paranormal RomanceContent Warning: Minor ViolenceRecommended Age:13+
Synopsis: When Vicky becomes the target of a serial arsonist plaguing the city, Darien calls on the supernatural community to help. Pulling the creatures of the night together to cooperate on any project is troublesome at the best of times. The fact that the one responsible for the city’s woes is a being of fire and magic leads the reluctant groups to a truce that makes Vicky start to think that her job might be a bit more than one normal human can handle.
Amazon | Goodreads Excerpt: “Do you love her?” Rachael asked from where she leaned in the corner of the room. She had watched Darien’s actions since the young woman had come in. His hand hadn’t left her as they talked, and his heart rate had sped up to match hers without him realizing it. “Or, is she just a passing fancy?” Surprised by this question, Darien’s hand froze on Vicky’s head. He looked down at the golden curls his fingers had pulled loose, and a warm feeling flowed though him. “I suppose I do,” he answered after a few moments of thought.It had been a while since he had truly loved someone. He tried to avoid letting people close to his heart. Somehow, Vicky had found her way past all of his defenses. Was it her charm and subtle beauty, her innocence, or maybe her complete trust in him, even after he nearly killed her? Perhaps it was a mixture of it all. He wasn’t sure, but what he did know was that he would give anything to make sure the young woman by his side was safe. “Then, I suggest you mark her before something else tries to steal her away.” Rachael looked pointedly at the small fay snuggled into Vicky’s blanket. Darien chuckled and rubbed her head again. “Point taken.”He looked down at his sleeping assistant. “Let’s get through this week, first.”A murmur of agreement circled the room as people started to shift in their seats. With all the important details decided, they just had to wait for nightfall. “Then, I suggest we get as much rest as we can.” Dakine stood up. “We’re all going to need it.”About the Author:
Originally from Ohio, Julie always dreamed of a job in science. Either shooting for the stars or delving into the mysteries of volcanoes. But, life never leads where you expect. In 2007, she moved to Mississippi to be with her significant other.
Now a mother of a hyperactive red headed boy, what time she’s not chasing down dirty socks and unsticking toys from the ceiling is spent crafting worlds readers can get lost it. Julie is a self-proclaimed bibliophile and lover of big words. She likes hiking, frogs, interesting earrings, and a plethora of other fun things.
Julie Wetzel is the author of Kindling Flames, Book 1 in The Ancient Fire Series. Kindling Flames is scheduled to release through Crimson Tree Publishing in the Fall of 2014.
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