Debate Magazine

Killing Us Softly – Part 7

Posted on the 12 March 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Here is the last segment, Part 7, of Kelleigh Nelson’s outstanding series of articles on ObamaCare and the Death Culture inherent in the godless Brave New World of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. If you value the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, this series will have you in tears. Please share on Facebook and other social media. It could save lives!

FOTM is grateful for Kelleigh’s permission to re-publish this important series. Here are the preceding segments:

  • Killing Us Softly – Part 6,” Mar. 11, 2013
  • Killing Us Sofly – Part 5,” Feb. 16, 2013
  • “Killing Us Softly – Part 4,” Feb. 14, 2013
  • “Killing Us Softly – Part 3,” Feb. 8, 2013.
  • “Killing Us Softly – Part 2,” Feb. 1, 2013.
  • “Killing Us Softly – Part 1,” Jan. 29, 2013.


Shovel ready Obamacare


Part 7

by Kelleigh Nelson

H.G. Wells in Anticipations (1901), described the coming “world state” where there would be “the merciful obliteration of “weak and silly and pointless” people.

In Robert Hugh Benson’s, Lord of the World (1907), he said there would be Ministers of Euthanasia (like Jack Kevorkian) in 1998 under American Socialism.  (a few years later, but I believe we’re there)


Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, who our President appointed Health Advisor, promotes the “Complete Lives System” that is being implemented to ration care. (Dr. Emanuel makes a clear choice: “When implemented, the “complete lives system” produces a priority curve on which individuals aged roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get changes that are attenuated.”)

Donald Berwick, who our President appointed administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, is a strong proponent of “Comparative Effectiveness Research” which will also be used to ration care. (In the United Kingdom, rather than focusing on the individual needs of patients, the National Health Service (NHS) uses comparative and cost-effectiveness information to limit options as a budgetary tool.)  There is little doubt the same will happen in the US.

Under the new law, “Accountable Care Organizations” are set up which will force very aggressive rationing practices by medical groups. (The health-care law calls for paying providers for the services they use and for rewarding them for any savings, initially in the Medicare program.)

Cass Sunstein, who our President appointed “Regulatory Czar,” (and who thankfully resigned) states that unless you specifically record your wish not to donate organs, doctors should be able to harvest your organs (should you be declared “brain dead”) for donation on the basis of “presumed consent,” even if you never actually give consent. He also has stated that an economic crisis can be “used to usher socialism into the United States.”

Our President appointed John Holdren as “Science Czar.” Holdren is the co-author of the 1977 book, Ecoscience that promotes ideas like forced sterilizations and abortions to limit population growth, compelling single mothers to give up their children to others, putting chemicals in water supplies to prevent births, and a planetary world government that would implement these ideas for the good of the world.

Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, has stated, “services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed.”  These are the people in society who Emanuel considers “useless eaters.”  They are no longer productive, and therefore, these vulnerable citizens should die.

This is not surprising since Dr. Emanuel is a fellow at the Hastings Center … the same Hastings Center co-founded by the euthanasia proponent, Willard Gaylin, MD … the same Hastings Center whose other co-founder, Daniel Callahan, explained in 1983 that taking all food and fluid away from vulnerable patients was probably the only way to make sure certain patients actually die (without legalization of euthanasia in America). This is the same Hastings Center that has worked side-by-side with hospice industry leaders to transform hospice and palliative care into the practical laboratory where its utilitarian, pro-euthanasia ideas are implemented, practices we now know as stealth euthanasia and direct euthanasia. Link

The Project on Death in America, financed by billionaire George Soros and the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation poured more than $200 million over the last decade into end-of-life programs and research. Link

Robert Wood Johnson II built the family firm of Johnson & Johnson into the world’s largest health products maker. He died in 1968. He established the foundation at his death with 10,204,377 shares of the company’s stock. The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation has given the Hemlock/Partnership for Caring and Last Acts merger, now known as Last Acts Partnership, over $1 million. According to the foundation, a longtime supporter of Planned Parenthood and euthanasia, Last Acts was the launching pad for an $11.25 million grant to “elevate awareness” and “inspire improvements” on end of life health care. The Johnson Foundation stated, “The program works at a number of clinical sites to encourage doctors to introduce palliative care earlier in patients’ diagnoses and to change the culture of medical institutions, which often focus exclusively on cure.” In other words, promote euthanasia, but do it deceptively.

The Soros project plans to act as a resource center to encourage other donors to support death-and-dying causes.  Robert Woods Johnson Foundation is still making grants and supporting the work to change how Americans think about dying and how they die. They are funding the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization’s “Caring Connections” program. The leaders at the top of the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (“NHPCO”) are the Euthanasia Society of America’s heirs and benefactors philosophically. The NHPCO is legally and corporately the final successor organization of the Euthanasia Society in the very strictest sense of the terms.

Soros and W.H.O.

The World Federation of Right To Die Societies (which “consists of 44 right to die organizations from 25 countries),  states that it “strongly believes the manner and time of dying should be left to the decision of the individual, … and that the voluntarily expressed will of individuals, … should be respected by all concerned as an expression of intrinsic human rights.”  The list includes many well-known pro-euthanasia organization names, Death With Dignity, Choice in Dying, Final Exit, etc.

Listed prominently in the successor organizations of the Euthanasia Society of America is none other than the familiar hospice organization, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization!  Why shouldn’t it be?  The NHPCO commonly gives out living wills, and advance directives.  Link

The following article exposes George Soros’ Social Agenda for America. His puppet, Barack Obama, is doing his bidding with the passage of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act!

From Capital Research Center’s article, “George Soros’ Social Agenda for America,”

Many of Soros’ policy interests appear quixotic.  Euthanasia, like drug use, has little public support, and Americans look at public policy proposals to make it lawful with reactions ranging from skepticism to revulsion. Soros, however, approaches the popular reaction as an opportunity for public education. His grant making in this area is a form of national tutoring that he no doubt expects will eventually have a long-term impact–reaching even to rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a November 1994 lecture at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, Soros revealed one motive for his interest: “Voters in Oregon just approved a law that makes it the first state to lift the prohibition against physician-assisted suicide. As the son of a mother who was a member of the Hemlock Society … I cannot but approve.” Founded in 1980, the Hemlock Society is a nonprofit group that advocates the right of the terminally-ill to commit suicide and calls for passage of laws permitting physician-assisted suicide.

That year Soros began giving money to start the “Project on Death in America” (PDIA), whose purpose is “to understand and transform the culture and experience of dying and bereavement through funding initiatives in research, scholarship, the humanities, and the arts, and to foster innovations in the provision of care, public education, professional education, and public policy.”  OSI (Soros’ Open Society Institute) remains a strong supporter of PDIA; in 2000 the foundation contributed a three-year  $15 million grant to sustain its mission.

Soros’ goal is to transform American attitudes toward death by changing public attitudes about physician-assisted suicide.   His financial backing has helped drug legalization proponents gain a new respectability, and he aims to do the same for supporters of euthanasia. PDIA’s large annual budget—$5 million—has helped it achieve prominence. PDIA director Kathleen M. Foley has testified before Congress on physician-assisted suicide, and PDIA-linked physician Susan Block, MD, a psychiatrist with the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, last year argued in the pages of the  New England Journal of Medicine that “physician-assisted death may be an acceptable option of last resort.”

At a conference funded by PDIA, Dr. Robert Twyncross of Oxford University, lectured  participants about America’s medical system. Twyncross lamented that U.S. medicine was “hell-bent on defying death”—as if that were wrong—and referred favorably to Britain’s socialist health system.

In 2000, OSI also made grants to the Death with Dignity National Center ($100,000) and the Oregon Death with Dignity Legal Defense and Education Center ($75,000).  National Death with Dignity describes itself as “the premier educational organization dedicated to discussing physician aid in dying openly, seriously, and with intellectual rigor.” The Oregon group works to make the state the first to allow “terminally ill individuals meeting stringent safeguards to hasten their own deaths.” Founded in 1993, it would make it legal for ailing people to obtain lethal drug prescriptions.  Another Oregon-based group, the Compassion in Dying Federation of America (CDFA), has received OSI funding—$150,000 in 1998 and $125,000 in 1999. CDFA supports “aid-in-dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults” and claims “assurance of  a humane death enhances the celebration of life.”

In 2001, PDIA made grants totaling $5,105,000 to groups concerned with what’s called “end of life” assistance for ailing people, such as palliative care for the terminally ill elderly. Other programs such as the PDIA “Social Work Leadership Development Awards” aim to increase the prestige of social workers committed to “end of life care” and help make them “mentors” and “role models” for a new generation of social workers.

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and George Soros are tightly intertwined.  Kathleen M. Foley, MD is the medical director of the International Palliative Care Initiative of Soros’s Open Society Foundations Public Health Program.  They are working to advance palliative care globally, but not the palliative care of those who respect life.  Instead, this is “palliative sedation,” as described in Part 5. The George Soros-funded group, together with Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, financed much of the extreme changes in end-of-life care through the 1990s and up to the present time.  The booklet, “The Solid Facts, Palliative Care,” edited by Elizabeth Davies and Irene Higginson, and distributed by W.H.O. ,was supported by the Floriani Foundation with collaboration of the Soros-funded Open Society Institute!  Other members of WHO’s palliative care leadership team include, among others, Joanne Lynn, MD.

Elizabeth Wickham, PhD, Executive Director of the Life Tree Organization, encourages us to look back to a June, 1997 NY Times story to get a better description of what Lynn believes about total sedation and withholding and withdrawing life sustaining treatment.  In the June, 1997 NY Times article, “Passive Euthanasia in Hospitals Is the Norm, Doctors Say,” Joanne Lynn stated, When a patient is ready to die, I can stop nutrition and hydration. I can stop insulin and ventilation. I can sedate them.”   Dr. Lynn represents very mainstream medical thought in America today.

Dr. Lynn would have survived quite well with Dr. Mengele’s experiments in Auschwitz/Birkenau concentration camps.  She does not condemn medical killing via withholding food and hydration along with palliative sedation.  Lynn recently was a consultant to the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  This should thrill us all that a woman who believes she has the right to murder her elderly and dying patients was a consultant to Medicare and Medicaid!  Doesn’t that give you a tingle up the leg!

Joanne Lynn has also been a senior researcher at the Rand Corporation.  Link  In my article, Mind Control and Smart Growth, I explained how smart growth facilitators’ attain their pre-determined outcome via their use of the evil Rand Corporation’s mind-control Delphi Technique. RAND developed the Delphi method in the 1950s for the U.S. Department of Defense. It was originally intended for use as a psychological weapon during the cold war.

The Hospice Holocaust

“Action T4″ was the name given to the euthanasia program used in Germany during Hitler’s reign of terror.  T4 is the abbreviation of the address in Berlin where it was concocted.  “Tiergartenstrabe 4. “The euthanasia decree was written on Hitler’s stationary, dated, September 1, 1939.  It stated, “Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are charged with the responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians, to be designated by name, to the end that patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health, can be granted a mercy death.”  Dr. Brandt was Hitler’s personal physician.

In order to garner support from the public in 1938, a poster was produced, showing a handicapped individual sitting in a chair with the words, “60,000 Reichmarks is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the people’s community during his lifetime.  Comrade, that is your money too.”

The same type of euthanasia program that took place under T4 is now taking place in homes across America, but it’s all happening under the radar.  Pastor Joey Faust witnessed his aunt being put to death by a morphine overdose administered by a hospice nurse.  He has decided to fight back.  He exposes this terrible “hidden” evil that has spread throughout America in a two part interview.


Nearly all of the information in this series has come from two books, “War Against the Weak,” by Edwin Black, and Ron Panzer’s, “Stealth Euthanasia: Health Care Tyranny in America.”  It is by far, the best expose of what is happening to our elderly and why.  I quoted from his documentation quite liberally in this series and am thankful for his efforts.  For help in locating a hospice, see Ron Panzer’s, Hospice Patients Alliance website.

The majority of Americans are asleep, and in 2015 when the final stages of Obama Care kick in, the baby boomers will wonder what happened to them.  It is unfortunate that most Americans have not fought the destruction of our once wonderful health care system.

The forces behind the United Nations Agenda 21/Smart Growth/Sustainability are hell bent on population reduction.  Their plan is to eliminate 85% of the world’s population.  We are murdering our babies in the womb at the rate of 2,000 a day.  In 40 years, 60 million American babies have died at the hands of abortion providers.  For 40 years we’ve also been killing our elderly with passive and open euthanasia.  It is obvious our elected representatives are in on the whole agenda.  In February, 2013, only 30 of the Republican representatives in the House voted to defund Obama Care.  The enemy is winning. 

These changes have been imposed upon us without the approval of most American citizens.  We are allowing the abandonment of sanctity-of-life values that formed the very foundation of American life and the greatness of our country.  So many of our values are disappearing at an exponential rate, faith in God, the traditional family, the value of work and opportunity to fulfill your dreams, and most importantly, the truth from the pulpits of America’s churches and synagogues.

There is, of course, only one hope that always stands true, and that is our faith in God.  Those of us who love our country, and see the daily destruction of this once great nation, need to be on our knees in repentance for our nation and pleading for His mercy.

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