If you have any Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Yahoo profiles, you should probably go check your account and change your password because according to reports, there has been a massive data breach that gave away passwords to nearly 2 million social media accounts to hackers.
The report comes in from cybersecurity firm Trustwave, which claims that a malicious keylogger tool is responsible for this hack. This keylogger is said to be working in association with a tool called “Pony Botnet Controller” which installs on computers to steal usernames and passwords from its’ users.
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Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn has officially told CNN that they have already changed the passwords to affected accounts and notified its’ users about the breach. Although, Google and Yahoo hasn’t responded to the incident yet.
John Miller, a security research manager at Trustwave says that the best way to determine if your computer is affected with this malware is to update your antivirus software, web browsers and Java. Then run a full virus scan on your hard drive to find if your computer is infected.
[Photo credit: Don Hankins]
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