Entertainment Magazine

Kevin Harper - Scottish Fiction Sessions - Videos

Posted on the 14 September 2013 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984
Kevin Harper - Scottish Fiction Sessions - Videos
fter my break during August it's fantastic to be able to get back to sharing these videos from our live radio sessions.  The first guest in what will prove to be a fantastic run of sessions, was former Little Eskimo's front-man Kevin Harper.  Crafter of the vastly underrated Kingdom of Wires  album released earlier this year, Kevin brought his '90's alt rock infused vibe into the studio and played three tracks from said album.  Check out the videos below and you can hear the full session and interview here should you wish.
Scottish Fiction - 4th September 2013 by Scottish Fiction on Mixcloud
Below are the videos for session tracks Couch, Gibraltar and Kingdom of Wires.  Enjoy, and check out YouTube page for all session videos.

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