It’s hard to find the time to write regularly here at the moment. I have a couple of detailed posts I plan to write soon but those are the ones I mostly seem to aim for. For quick updates on more of a typical ‘blogging’ scale, I tend to use either Keek or my Facebook page. But I suspect that not everyone subscribes or visits there; not everyone has Facebook or ‘does’ social networking. So, I’d like to try and update you all with a few snippets of all the little things I’m working on at the moment.
New handles for old files.
Starting in chronological order, I began making some new handles for a set of old files I bought some time ago. One of those simply projects that might make a nice, brief YouTube video. It’s been a week or so since I glued them in to place and I still need to shape them as they’ve dropped to the bottom of the list with other ‘priorities’ stepping ahead since…
At the weekend, I started making batch of marking gauges from a spare length of beech. They’re of a laminated construction (to be economical – and also based on a Steve Maskery design for a pencil gauge) and as I currently only have the one that I am comfortable in using, I’ve been wanting a couple of spares, as it’s often handy to have more than one for different settings (and also, I sometimes need one at work).
At the same time, I began working on a rather creative take on the magnetic knife block. Someone contacted me privately a few months ago about making something similar and I’ve been fond of the idea since of having knives that stick to the side of a block. This design has a core stack-laminated of hardwood offcuts and scraps and that’ll be covered by those two thin boards of ash, once the magnets have been fitted. You can also see the 2D template I printed out from SketchUp.
Have you ever tried printing 1:1 on a single sheet of A4 from Google SketchUp? It took me a lot longer than expected!
Finally for this update; my latest addition to the work-list is a pair of ying-and-yang style bandsaw boxes to be cut from this single slab of maple. I would’ve progressed further with this a few hours ago, if only my second camera battery hadn’t died during the filming (the term ‘second’ implies that the first one was already flat).
That’s about all for now and, of course; I’m supposed to be building a guitar soon…!
Thanks for reading.