Books Magazine

Keeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaard

By Lauriej
Keeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaard
Title: Keeper’s FateAuthor: Sabina BundgaardGenre: Dark Fantasy/Urban fantasy/paranormal Suitable for YA/NA
Release Date: Nov. 20th, 2015
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours
Keeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaard
I thought the worst was over after the demon had killed three other Keepers.I was wrong.Two of my friends are missing and rumors about the Hidden Keys of Fate are resurfacing.When the director of Protection of the Supernaturals Police asks me to help locate one of my friends, I jump at the chance.
My name is Anna Carringthon, and I’m the Keeper of the Invicto.I’m on my way to Egypt to change Fate.Keeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaard
Keeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaardKeeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaardKeeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaardSabina Bundgaard lives in Denmark with her husband and their two children. By day she races around the countryside, delivering mail and packages to people. By night… Well, that’s a different story. While drinking one of her many flavors of tea, she delves into the mysterious realms of her imagination. Writing about everything from Elves and Dragons to Romance and Erotica, she tries her wings to see where they will take her. Her favorite pastime when not writing is reading, making jewelry and speaking to her friends all over the world, celebrating their victories and happy times.
Author Links:Goodreads: profile: Author Page:
Buy Links: (Keeper’s Challenge)Amazon:
Keeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaard
Keeper’s Fate by Sabina Bundgaard @agarcia6510 @SabinaBundgaard

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