Women wear tank dresses, sleeveless tops, and airy summer dresses during summer. It's the perfect time to show off your well-toned arms and abs, after all. But what happens when you have dark underarms? Can you be confident enough to raise your arms and show them off to your Instagram followers? Unfortunately, we live in a world where women get judged by how smooth their skin is. Women feel more confident when they are comfortable with their skin, especially their underarms.
To keep your armpits clean and smooth, you can get treatment for laser hair removal in Salt Lake City. Underarm hair is one of the major causes of dark pits. Unless you're biologically gifted and you have no underarm hair, you have to trim and shave your underarms regularly. Depending on the method that you use, your underarms can suffer from dark spots and uneven skin tone.
Groom Your Armpit Hair
You can choose waxing, threading, or shaving with a razor. Whatever method suits your lifestyle, make sure to do it regularly, especially in the summer season. Underarm hair is also one of the reasons your pits can smell and sweat a lot.
Waxing and threading slow down hair regrowth, although the latter leaves a stubble of hair. Shaving is affordable and pain-free. You can get a razor from the local beauty store and remove your hair in seconds. Choose the one that suits your budget and lifestyle.
Exfoliate Them
Your face is not the only one that needs exfoliating. Your underarms need a lot of TLC, too. Use an exfoliating product that's tailor-fit for your skin type. Exfoliate your underarms at least twice a week. This will prevent the growth of ingrown hair. It will also remove leftover germs and dead skin cells.
But remember that the skin of your underarms is extra sensitive. Be careful when exfoliating them. Don't scrub too hard, or your skin may get irritated. It might turn reddish or darker than your skin tone. Scrubbing too much is one of the causes of uneven skin tone.
Let Your Pits Breathe
Allow your underarms to have chemical-free hours. If you're home at night, go deodorant-free and give your pores a break. Your armpits will breathe better when there is no sweat-containing chemical applied to them. Of course, do this only when you're at home so that you can shower repeatedly. If you're sweaty, never consider going deodorant-free at work.
Give Your Pits a Detox
Consider giving your underarms a breather and a detox. Remember how you have tried the juice cleansing method because it's apparently good for your health? That's what your pits need, too. Apply a clay mask on your underarms so that it can absorb all the pore-clogging bacteria remaining after shaving-or threading or waxing-and exfoliating.
Use the Right Products
If you are going to use deodorant on your armpits, make sure that it's made with the right ingredients. Read the labels first. Some companies use harmful chemicals and claim that they have a brightening effect on your pits. Consult with a dermatologist to find the right deodorant for your underarms. Choose the safest product possible. Taking care of your underarms should not be hard to do. Having good hygiene will go a long way toward smooth and white armpits. You may even try some DIY home remedies, though read as much as you can about them before giving them a go.