Sports Magazine

KC Game Points

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
Its time to sit Ike and Troy. We have a better Defense without them on the field.
KC should have scored at least the 1 TD on the long pass over middle to #13 but we got lucky on an overthrow.
It seems our D needs to get 1 TO a game in order to win.
Harrison is amazing. He single handedly accounted for several sacks.
Bryce McKane saved a TD that was a wonderful defensed play to knock the ball away.
Special Teams played well I thought cept for the fake FB
He Also was getting held on a lot of plays and I don't think 1 single Holding penalty was called on the OL that he rushed against.
Hello NFL Officials. PLs send a better crew to the steelers/bengals game. That crew was awful. They missing the legwip (hope the guy gets fined) and had the terrible roughing the passer and the taunting penalty both really bad calls.
Its sad.
Kudos to Todd Hailey for imaginative play calling and to the offensive's ability to execute the plays.
Mike Adams needs to calm down he is going to get himself a 15 yard penalty if the coaches don't get ahold of him and teach him self control. The guy has issues to me.
Memo to the offensive TD makers. Pls just hand the ball to the ref. Like Harris or swann or stallworth used to do show some class.
Congrats to the steelers for making the playoffs!

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