Lifestyle Magazine


By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
Karora Instant Tan and MicroPeel £9.99* 
I'm not a massive fan of doing negative reviews, I like to keep this as positive a place as possible, but I do think it is important for me to let you know when I try a product that I don't really get along with, so that you can save your money and not make the same mistake. Especially with the world of PR and samples that is slowly taking over blogs, I think it makes it even more important that you know that you can trust my opinion, even when I have been sent a product so I wanted to write this honest review for you today. 
Quite recently, I got the chance to review the Karora tan set, which, with summer coming up and the imminent fear of having to take my pale, pasty legs out from hiding, I accepted thankfully. I've never been a massive one for fake tanning, a little gradual tan in the summer, sure, but never the real, hard stuff, so I was a little apprehensive to try this one out even before I got it. To start, I prepared my skin with the micro peel (which, for the record is really great and probably worth buying the set for. It managed to get rid of all the dead skin cells on my legs, leaving them feeling super soft) and then started to get to work with the tan. 
As soon as I opened the tube, I could tell that it wasn't going to work. The colour, which is the main problem with this, was far too red based (sadly just on the wrong side of golden), and so once applied, just looked orange and wrong on my skin. The formula was fine, not too much to remark on but it definitely didn't wow me - it applied evenly over freshly moisturised skin and was a pretty good consistency (and without the trade mark smell of digestive biscuits) but there were some slight  problems that I encountered with it, like rubbing off soon after application (4-5hrs) and I found that the shimmer-y glitter-y finish a bit much for the natural, everyday look I was hoping for. 
Fake tan is such a difficult one to get right, so I'm not that surprised that it didn't live up to my high standards. There are definitely some situations it could look amazing; it would be great for giving your legs that Beyonce like glow for parties, or topping up an existing tan. Unfortunately, it just wasn't for me. 
What do you think of fake tans? Do you like hearing varied reviews from me? 

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