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Day Poems : Walt Whitman: Song of Myself
It seems that here what we have is motion from a less exalted notion of life to a more exalted one, as also an expression of the superiority of those who have remembered the more exalted notion over the soul-less bureaucrats who believe living just is habitation. Thus:
The realities of my place and time have also got me thinking recently about certain possibilities, two in particular, that may have escaped Rousseau's attention. These are, namely, that the neighbours are themselves Tartars, and that the Tartars are themselves philosophers. According to the stereotype that makes Rousseau s example work, Tartars are by definition far away, and by definition unphilosophical. But why suppose as much?
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The headlines in the satirical newspaper The Onion are noteworthy for their condensation of the structure of the joke into the most succinct syntactic form possible. Consider:
In this post I would like to develop one of the central questions of my recent book, The Philosopher: A History in Six Types : Who is to count as a philosopher, and why?
This book is now available for order from Oxford University Press. I would add it to the sidebar to the right of this page, along with the Italian translation of 5665 The Philosopher , if I knew how. This task would involve some fairly complex html coding, which I always left to my father, who died in September of last year. Death is a mystery, and understanding it in the negative is inseparable from reflection on the problem of embodiment (in Homer, the word we translate as body in fact only means corpse ). But where death s true nature comes through most sharply is in small things like this: the impossibility of further routine website maintenance. 5665
Previous philosophical discussion of gelastics has been muddled by the failure of the commentators to notice that these sundry theories pertain to different aspects of the gelastic event, and thus that it is a futile exercise to attempt to choose between them. The incongruity theory has to do with the semantics of the joke, while the superiority theory has to do with the pragmatics of the joke, and also, likely, with metagelastic considerations. The Freudian relief theory has to do with the individual psychology of the joke's enjoyer (most likely teller, but perhaps also hearer), while the irruption theory has to do with the social psychology of the group in which the joke is told.
Your heart burns for me so
and your body and your soul
burn with desire for me
and for my body and my face.
Here is what I am referring to:
Selivanko and Mikheiko and Yakovets Boldykin
took my three-ruble horse,
and the leather saddle of a ruble and a half,
and this took place in the forest on such and such day
between the mountains and the hills.
My heart burns for you so
and my body and my soul
burn with desire for you
and for your body and your face.
Anyhow, here s the outline of the gelastics project, to which I might return when we come out the other end of the present Dark Age, and I start to find things funny again:
In the past century only four governors have been indicted on felony charges while in office. I worked for three of them and the fourth was my uncle.
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