Lifestyle Magazine

Justice for Trayvon Martin

By Buxomchick @BUXOMCHICK
My hands are shaking as I write this.  I saw on these news a couple weeks ago about Trayvon Martin being gunned down by a self appointed neighborhood watch volunteer.  I heard some of the 911 tapes this morning.  I heard this young man screaming and crying for help and no one came.  I am a mother of two biracial children.  I shed tears to myself for the mother of Trayvon.  I cannot imagine my own sons being racially profiled because of the color of their skin.  I feel like I should do something.  If you haven't been following this case, you can Google it.  I signed this petition and hope that you do too.  Please share this with everyone you know.  Think of your own children whether you are black, white, yellow or purple.  How would you feel if someone profiled your child and shot them even after they pleaded and cried for someone to come help them?  The neighbors who called 911 should be ashamed of themselves.  SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!  SOMEONE COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING!  ANYTHING!  No one came out to help.
The bullet that George Zimmerman shot silenced Trayvons cries.  George Zimmerman has yet to be arrested.  Let's make this happen people....|Start an Online Petition » Justice for Trayvon Martin Justice for Trayvon Martin Justice for Trayvon Martin Justice for Trayvon Martin Justice for Trayvon Martin

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