Diaries Magazine

Just Think Happy Thoughts...

By Kelliciousxo @Kelliciousxo
Just think happy thoughts...
I've been a super stressed Kelli this week, and it's only Wednesday. We're stuck in limbo as to what we're doing house-wise at university next year due to an unexpected breakdown of communication between me and my housemates about certain topics, more coursework deadlines are looming and I ended up caught up in the transport chaos after the flooding in the country...which, just my luck, was the most problematic in the West Midlands and the South West, aka. the two regions I live in. Hooray! It normally takes me 2 hours to get to Bristol from Coventry, but it took 7 hours today! Yes, seven whole hours of my life. I randomly had to travel to Reading as every other line to Bristol was closed - I thought I was never going to get back at one point and almost bailed to stay with my friend in her university accommodation in Reading.
I don't want to sound like a whiny girl, but I've been feeling quite down the past fortnight and can't quite put my finger on why, but I do seem to go through cycles of feeling crappy when a lot of stuff is put upon me at once. So all in all, I've been feeling a bit touchy and stressed out, but there's been a few little things to keep me happy. I'm a big believer in approaching things with a positive mental attitude, so taking a step back and looking at all the good things in your life is a very healthy approach to making you feel that little bit warmer inside!
Just think happy thoughts...
Cuddles with my 8 week old nephew (isn't he just the most handsome little man ever?!) and hilarious nights with some of my best friends have definitely been a lovely escape from stress recently - what could be better than having a lovely chat with a baby who happily listens to everything you have to say while making adorable 'agoo' noises or shouting along to rock music very loudly with your besties? We're all really stressed at uni at the moment, so I don't feel alone in my rollercoaster of emotions at the moment! Every coursework deadlines results in a big Biomed night out, so I am already counting down the days to the next one :)

I have a confession to make. I've been a mahoooosive McFly fan since I was an awkward year 6 when Five Colours in Her Hair came out in 2004 (OK...so that makes me feel very old! Less than half a year until I'm in my twenties, eeep) and their new single Love is Easy has been repeated many times on my iTunes already. Songs like this never fail to make me smile, even when I'm in the most vile of moods. The ukulele, gorgeous men and a lovely chirpy song...what could possibly be wrong?
Just think happy thoughts...

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