Hair & Beauty Magazine

Just Look Around

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo shimmers,
Our lives are so busy that we miss the little beauties and moments that should be captured.
I have lived in the same village all my life and still to this day I find new beauties and little places that I love seeing and just sitting looking around.
I feel we spend a lot of time looking at phones and our feet, that we miss out on things, its good to look around you every once in a while.
I  am making an effort to visit and discover new places at least 3 times a week, whether that is going somewhere completely new or taking a road i've never taken before. Its amazing what you'll find that you never realised was there.
Even seeing places in different weathers you see a different side and view to them, thats pretty awesome. At the moment it is so lovely and sunny that the colours around us are just gorgeous, please enjoy some of the pictures I took on my travels yesterday...
Just Look Around
Just Look Around
Just Look Around
Just Look Around
Laura x

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