I know…
This may or may not be the appropriate place to ask the question ” Just how progressive are you?” …
But I’m still going to ask anyway.
Just in case you need affirmation that you may not be as progressive as Herr Obama and his liberal minions may want you to be, there is a quiz that you can take…
Just for fun.
The quiz: “How Progressive Are You” is created and hosted by the Center For American Progress; which according to Wikipedia (as well as most Conservatives worth their salt) is ‘a left wing public policy research and advocacy organization who’s website states that the organization is “dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action”.The Center presents a (highly) liberal viewpoint on economic issues.’
I took the quiz.
My results?

I was going for the “Ultimate Conservative”…
Want to see how you score? Take the QUIZ here.