Lifestyle Magazine

Just Because

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
Following on from my 'Keeping your relationship alive' post, there is one thing I didn't mention. Gifts. Small, meaningful gifts can be just that. Meaningful. 
Just because
Sometimes when I have been busy for a couple weeks, I realize I haven't spent much time with Warren or have been a bit distant because I feel so stressed. A little gift is by no means a replacement for that but it does show that I have been thinking of him.
Just because
This 'Top of the morning' hamper from Moonpig is the perfect gift for mornings when he's been having a hard week or is not looking forward to something. 
Just because
It is a real 'manly' gift which I like as he is with 2 girls, 1 of whom has enough hormones for 5 (!) when he is home. It includes Coffee real ground coffee 250g, an espresso mug, a 6oz hip flask, a miniature famous grouse whiskey, a leather card holder and the wallet card with the quote on it. I am big on quotes and I hope he keeps this in his wallet and remembers it, even when I am a stressed mess and being distant!
Relationships can take a bit more work when children are involved as you are so busy and have more people to think about, but it is important to stop every now and then and show your love in whatever way you choose. Speaking of love, this Moonpig hamper would also make a lovely gift for your man on Valentines Day, check out the whole Valentines Range here.

Do you get little gifts just because? *We were sent this hamper free of charge to feature on my blog.

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