This is the Room Board I originally created for my client. The artwork has changed for above the couch and the unit that is underneath the mirror will now a cabinet. But overall the room should have a similar feel when completed.
One of things I enjoy doing is humming and hawing over the color of the room. There where several contenders, but the color choice I finally decided on is Revere Pewter by Sherwin Williams.

I paired it against the pillows and the tables to make sure that it went well. A few of the other grays I looked at didn't have enough warmth to make it into the room.
I mentioned awhile back that my husband started his painting business, so he is going to be the one putting this pretty color on the walls. I like recommending him on jobs that I do since well, I know where he lives if he screws anything up. Right? Also, he is such a perfectionist that I know the rooms will always be up to par when I go in to install.

There are a few other items that I didn't get a picture of that will also be going in the room. So, please check back with us to see how it all goes.
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Seaside Interiors