Below is an excerpt from the Guide to Administration – U.S. Marine Corps (1943) about fishing from the section “Jungle Tips,” for All.
“Whatever animals there are, when they come down to drink, are attracted by the light and it is easy to kill them, seeing the reflection in their eyes. Fish are also attracted to the light, if pointed directly into the water, and can be scooped out with the hand or killed with the hatchet. This is usually a surer method than trying to fish with fish hooks. An even better method is to carry a few sticks of dynamite, made in the form of cylinders, about 3/4 inches in diameter and 3 inches long. One of these, thrown into a pool at the base of a waterfall or a rapid, will kill enough fish to fill a canoe.”
-p. 595
Personally I don’t carry a lot of dynamite on me, but now I understand where some of grandpa’s stories came from!