While I only read 2 books this month, I’m happy to say I loved them both! I flipped through The Sea of Monsters like there was no tomorrow & finished it in 1 day. Clockwork Princess KILLED me *sobs*. That epilogue was so sad yet beautiful. Reviews are coming soon!
Wow I have not done a wrap up post since February of this year! That’s crazy. I’ve been in an on & off blogging + reading slump ever since 2015 started so I’m really sorry for the lack of posts and comments. All I have to say is get ready for my new posts and I promise I’ll interact more in the blogosphere! I also lowered my reading challenge from 115 books to 100 because I don’t think I could read 115, and I am very behind my goal :(.
I am currently reading Newt’s Emerald by Garth Nix and I literally just started reading it so I don’t have much to say yet..
Summer vacation started like a month ago for me and I don’t have school until August 24th :) yay! Also, I’ll be FINALLY taking my (written) driving test on July 6th aaaand I got a job! Yay. I’m very excited because it’s my first job and I’ll be working at my school starting August. I’m really excited and nervous at the same time. Besides that, I’ve been hanging out with my family and friends. My friends and I actually went to the Color Run event and it was so much fun!